Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Future at OU

What do I see myself doing during my time at OU?  If anyone has the answer, I'd love to hear it.  
Honestly though, my biggest goal right now is to find a major.  One that will not only help me get a job but also allow me to show off my strengths. Although, if I could do ANYTHING I wanted I would probably do something involving the film industry. Whether it be acting, set design, writing, ANYTHING.
Another thing I want to do while at OU is to get more involved. Whether it be through my sorority or through CAC, I don't care, I feel like it's important to get involved and meet people who could possibly become good connections or references.
Another goal would be to possibly find a potential spouse...or at least a stable, strong relationship.  College is a very unique experience that can be rough at times and a blast at others.  It would really be nice to find a single person to share it with.

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