Thursday, September 16, 2010


Jason from True Blood
 My priorities before coming to OU were simply to make good grades and possibly find something I enjoy to make my major.  Since it is only the forth week of school, not much as changed, but I have added somethings to the mix of prioities, such as getting more involved with my sorority and meeting more it wierd to say another prioritiy of mine is to get a boyfriend sometime in the near future?  Maybe 'Jason' from True Blood
Right now, since I'm still new to the whole college thing, I'm more focused on achieveing the things dealing with the present, like my school work and social life.  However, it is a dream of mine to someday get a degree in a field of study that I'm not only good at, but that I enjoy.  I want to get married, own a home, and start a family sometime in my mid to late 20s to early 30s.

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