Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What I've been up to....

Hey guys it's BrookeSince this is my very first post ever, I'd thought I'd just share some of the random things I've been doing since moving to Norman other than, you know, going to classes:)

As you might have seen in my 'about me' section, I've recently became a G-Phi otherwise known as a Gamma Phi Beta <3

Here's my beautiful bid day temp big Kate and I on bid day. (I'm on the right)  
I saw the movie Eat, Pray, Love a couple weeks ago...it was long, boring, and horrible, I wouldn't recommend it for anybody...except maybe my grandparents who would enjoy looking at the scenery...and maybe people who would enjoy looking at James Franco.

  Speaking of James Franco, there's a movie coming out November 5th called '127 Hours' about the guy Aron Ralston who had his arm trapped under a boulder in Utah in 2003.  It's from the same guy that directed 'Slumdog Millionaire.' I for one, can't wait!

View Trailer Here 

I'm a pretty big movie buff so I've actually seen a lot of movies recently just not in theaters like Eat, Pray, Love. I get Netflix delivered to my dorm room and so far I've seen Death at a Funeral (2010), The Hills Have Eyes 2, and Homecoming.  They've all been pretty corny, but I was really disappointed in Death at a Funeral.  The original British version made in 2007 is literally one of my favorite movies and Chris Rock and company totally butchered it. :(

Anyways, other than watching movies I've become obsessed with The Vampire Diaries!! Which by the way came out on DVD last Tuesday.  I, of course, bought it and have been watching an episode (or two) before bed every night, every day since. I also took pleasure in reading the first two books in the series: The Awakening and The Struggle.  I would recommend these as well, but the show is defiantly the most addicting.

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