Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Future at OU

What do I see myself doing during my time at OU?  If anyone has the answer, I'd love to hear it.  
Honestly though, my biggest goal right now is to find a major.  One that will not only help me get a job but also allow me to show off my strengths. Although, if I could do ANYTHING I wanted I would probably do something involving the film industry. Whether it be acting, set design, writing, ANYTHING.
Another thing I want to do while at OU is to get more involved. Whether it be through my sorority or through CAC, I don't care, I feel like it's important to get involved and meet people who could possibly become good connections or references.
Another goal would be to possibly find a potential spouse...or at least a stable, strong relationship.  College is a very unique experience that can be rough at times and a blast at others.  It would really be nice to find a single person to share it with.

Friday, October 1, 2010

OU/TX 2010

Just because I made this blog for the sole purpose of the class "Lead Your Way" does not mean I'm not allowed to talk about other things....and the main thing on everyone's mind right now is tomorrow's match against Texas. So, for lack of a better phrase...GO OKLAHOMA!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Jason from True Blood
 My priorities before coming to OU were simply to make good grades and possibly find something I enjoy to make my major.  Since it is only the forth week of school, not much as changed, but I have added somethings to the mix of prioities, such as getting more involved with my sorority and meeting more people...is it wierd to say another prioritiy of mine is to get a boyfriend sometime in the near future?  Maybe 'Jason' from True Blood
Right now, since I'm still new to the whole college thing, I'm more focused on achieveing the things dealing with the present, like my school work and social life.  However, it is a dream of mine to someday get a degree in a field of study that I'm not only good at, but that I enjoy.  I want to get married, own a home, and start a family sometime in my mid to late 20s to early 30s.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Me, like everyone else in the world, has had many influences throughout my life...starting with my friends and family.  I'm the kind of person who cares about what people think of me and so therefore I'm kind and treat others how I would want to be treated.  I was influenced in this way by my parents.
This is my family at my sister's confirmation. From left to right: my grandfather, grandmother, me, my sister Bridget, my mom, and dad

Obviously, my family has had a great influence on me, (they do all the punishing!) but as I get older, my friends probably hold a greater weight of influence. Unconsciously, this is because I know my family will always love me, or at least have to deal with me, but friends are only there because they want to be, anything could happen to make them want to leave.  So it is important to me to always keep my friends close My best friends in the world are Sarah Hopkins and Taylor Vassios.  I can call them my best friends because even though I hold a fear of what people think of me, we're great enough friends that I don't need to not be nervous or watch what I say and I know that they'll always be there.
Sarah and I at her ranch in Montana
Me (on left) and Taylor posing for our sorority photo-shoot
I know that these girls will always have my back and I got lucky in that I found some best friends who never pressure me to do anything I don't want to do and are genuinely nice, good girls.  They've been great influences and have made me a better person because of it. Sarah and I met in 4th grade when I had just moved to Southlake Texas from Dallas.  At first we didn't click well.  We had completely different personalities and she came off kind of spoiled.  This is probably why we're best friends though...because we're so different I mean.  Anyways, after years of being friends we were inseparable. I would only ever hang out with her and because of that, it was hard for me to get out and meet new people.  This all changed my junior year of high school.  Sarah and her family moved to Montana which forced me to go out and make more friends.  It's not that I didn't have any other friends, I just wasn't that close to any of them.  That's when I met Taylor.  We actually met through our mutual friend Kaitlin, and since then, I've been lucky to call her one of my best friends. So basically my point in saying all this is to show that my friends influence me to make decisions without even knowing about it.  And sometimes, something that seems terrible can end up being good.  Like Sarah moving away.  We're still close to the point of sisterhood, and I was able to gain Taylor's friendship in the process. 

Other than friends and family, a number of other people influence me as well.  Teachers and peers play a big part as well as my sorority.  However, in the end, I'm good about making my own decisions.  There will always be people who will influence me, but when it comes to serious things like smoking and drugs, I've promised myself not to give in to peer pressure.  And so far, I've kept that promise every single time I've been in that kind of situation.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What I've been up to....

Hey guys it's BrookeSince this is my very first post ever, I'd thought I'd just share some of the random things I've been doing since moving to Norman other than, you know, going to classes:)

As you might have seen in my 'about me' section, I've recently became a G-Phi otherwise known as a Gamma Phi Beta <3

Here's my beautiful bid day temp big Kate and I on bid day. (I'm on the right)  
I saw the movie Eat, Pray, Love a couple weeks ago...it was long, boring, and horrible, I wouldn't recommend it for anybody...except maybe my grandparents who would enjoy looking at the scenery...and maybe people who would enjoy looking at James Franco.

  Speaking of James Franco, there's a movie coming out November 5th called '127 Hours' about the guy Aron Ralston who had his arm trapped under a boulder in Utah in 2003.  It's from the same guy that directed 'Slumdog Millionaire.' I for one, can't wait!

View Trailer Here 

I'm a pretty big movie buff so I've actually seen a lot of movies recently just not in theaters like Eat, Pray, Love. I get Netflix delivered to my dorm room and so far I've seen Death at a Funeral (2010), The Hills Have Eyes 2, and Homecoming.  They've all been pretty corny, but I was really disappointed in Death at a Funeral.  The original British version made in 2007 is literally one of my favorite movies and Chris Rock and company totally butchered it. :(

Anyways, other than watching movies I've become obsessed with The Vampire Diaries!! Which by the way came out on DVD last Tuesday.  I, of course, bought it and have been watching an episode (or two) before bed every night, every day since. I also took pleasure in reading the first two books in the series: The Awakening and The Struggle.  I would recommend these as well, but the show is defiantly the most addicting.